Education IT

IT Services for Schools in Michigan (and Beyond!)

Understanding the unique technology needs of Michigan schools and colleges.

At Heiden Technology Solutions, we understand the unique technology needs and challenges Michigan schools and colleges face. Our expertise in IT Services for education cover all aspects of a school’s technology demands.

  • Project Planning: We work with you to understand your needs and then develop a plan to implement your school’s technology. Whether you need to rollout a complete computer network for your faculty and students, or need in-classroom audio/visual installation, we can design, implement, and maintain a solution that works for your needs and within your budget.
  • Procurement: We work with our partners to acquire all the hardware, devices, and licensing necessary for your project.
  • Device Engraving: We protect your school’s investment from loss and theft by engraving all your devices with the school’s information.
  • Imaging & Deployment: As a Microsoft Partner, we quickly deploy your school’s computer system and all of its portable devices. We setup and configure the operating system and applicable software effectively so you can get up and running without a hitch.
  • Network Monitoring & Support: If issues arise, you have full access to Heiden’s Support Desk and on-site tech support. You’ll have the peace-of-mind knowing that our team is monitoring and maintaining your school’s IT network behind the scenes so your can focus on educating your students.
  • Authorized Repair: With so many devices in the hands of students and faculty, some devices are going to be damaged or experience wear and tear. We can repair your damaged devices and get them back and running quickly.

A Proactive Approach to Your School’s Technology

A reliable network means school administrators get to focus on what matters most, not troubleshooting technology issues.

Students, teachers and administrators can’t accomplish their learning, teaching and productivity goals without a reliable network. If essential systems go down on a regular basis, no one gets anything done and students can’t learn effectively.

This is why it’s so important to take a proactive approach to your school’s technology. After the deployment of your school’s technology, our team works to proactively support and maintain your school’s technology infrastructure so that your faculty and students experience less downtime, and more time being productive.



Improved Reliability and Scalability

A school’s technology needs to be able to adapt and evolve quickly with the demands of the students and faculty.

We can design and build a reliable and scalable network for the needs of your school using Cloud Desktops. This technology delivers several powerful benefits:

  • Deliver your essential programs via a cloud environment to save money and offer a consistent user experience across a range of Internet-enabled devices
  • Centralize network resources for faculty and students so they can easily access essential software
  • Improve mobility so people can work and learn from the most comfortable and convenient locations to them
  • Support one set of centralized systems rather than spreading your attention across multiple computer labs, classrooms and offices
  • Harden your security measures against the cyber threats facing schools