Heiden Tech Blog

Carl Heiden Shares Cybersecurity Expertise with WNEM News

Dec 29, 2022

After the Covenant Healthcare cybersecurity incident in 2020, many are wondering how much information may have been leaked onto the Dark Web.

WNEM News recently spoke with Heiden Technologies CEO Carl Heiden about the breach. “Health care is a treasure trove for hackers,” Carl told them in the interview.

His meaning is clear when you consider that up to 45,000 patients’ social security numbers, driver’s license info, patient account numbers, and medical record IDs could have been exposed.

According to Covenant HealthCare spokesperson Kristin Knoll, an FBI investigation revealed that bad actors tried numerous user ID and password combinations until they successfully accessed the two email accounts.

Covenant HealthCare quickly implemented multi-step authentication for employee email accounts to help prevent future attacks.

As of this writing, there has been no indication that patients’ personal information has been misused as a result of this incident. The FBI reported that the hackers were attempting to sell Covenant’s login and password information, rather than selling individual user accounts.

Visit the WNEM News website to see the entire video spot and read the article.

For more information about the Covenant cyber attack and how it might have affected you, please visit the Covenant website. 
